About Me

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I'm the proud Mother of a 4-year-old, wild, fun and amazing little boy!

April 25, 2010

Time Out!

Today, we were flipping through the channels and we came across Sponge Bob. I told you I didn't want you watch it. When you asked me why, I told you it was b/c Sponge Bob's a bad boy. You said, "well, he needs uh go uh timeout". LOL!

April 22, 2010

Riding on the Big Boat to Messyco!

We all just went on our very first cruise and our very first time to another country. We had told you about what we were doing and you were very excited! Everytime we would look off the back of the "big boat" as you called it, you would ask, "is the big boat goin' uh Messyco?" I would tell you yeah, we're going toward Mexico. After we left Mexico, we were again looking off the back of the boat and you asked, "are we goin' uh Messyco?" I had to tell you, "no, the big boat is taking us back home now". You said, "NO! I want the big boat to turn 'round and go back uh Messyco". You were so sad! I have to agree with you though, we didn't get to spend enough time in Mexico.