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I'm the proud Mother of a 4-year-old, wild, fun and amazing little boy!

March 26, 2009

Chase Go to Work Too!

Yesterday when Daddy told you he was going to work, you took his hand and said "Chase doe to work too" (Chase go to work too). Then today, when Daddy said I'm going bye-bye, you said "Chase doe bye bye too" (Chase go bye bye too). The best of all, was today when I told you that we were leaving Nana's and going bye-bye. You went to Nana and said "hand" (this is what you say when you want some one to take your hand so you can take them to something), well she took your hand and you started pulling her toward the door and said "Nana doe bye bye too" (Nana go bye bye too).

March 25, 2009


I've been trying forever to get you to say Grandma and Grammy. Well this morning when we were leaving Grandma and Grammy's house I told you like I always do, tell Grandma bye-bye, after I told you to tell he several times, you finally said "bye, Gran-mawmaw". It was so, so sweet to finally hear you say it, I know it was really sweat for her to hear you say it too!

March 23, 2009

The Other Way!

Now anytime we go into Wal-Mart (which is quite frequently) and we are not going toward the toys, you say "the uh der der way!" (the other way!). Ha! Ha! For some reason you think that everytime we go to Wal-Mart you get to go to the toy department and get a toy. Now what would make you think such a thing:-)

March 18, 2009

Where did Dase go?

For some reason in addition to calling Daddy, Daddy. You've been calling him Dase too! Everytime he leaves, you'll say "where did Dase doe?" I can't figure out why you've been saying it or what it means. It sounds like a combination of Daddy and Chase.

March 17, 2009

Chicken, French Fries and Sprite

Daddy watched you while Moma worked last night and he somehow forgot to feed you anything good for supper (Moma doesn't consider popcorn a good supper). So on the way home, I decided to get your favorite meal, a Chicken McNugget Happy Meal from McDonalds. Well I said, "do you want some Chicken?" You said, "des, chick chick n fen fies n pite!" (Yes, chicken and french fries and sprite!). I said "ok then".

March 15, 2009


Within the last few days, you FINALLY started saying des (yes)! After answering no to about a million questions in your short little life, you decided to add the all empowering word yes. We didn't think you would ever say it!

March 11, 2009

Oh Sh*t!

Well, you are repeating EVERYTHING now! You want to be just like Daddy, so today when Daddy said oh sh*t you took it upon your self to say "sh*t". I've been telling Daddy for 2 years that he was going to have to watch it, I guess he believes me now!

March 07, 2009


Today when I was getting ready for work, you walked up and pointed at my scrub pants and said "orange"! I was shocked, I said, what did you say? You looked at me and said "orange". Yep, you told me the color of my pants, I tested it out later, and said what color is this, you said "orange". You're so smart! Orange is the only color you'll do it for though. I hope this doesn't mean that you're going to be an Auburn fan, b/c Daddy will not be happy!

March 06, 2009


You can count! My little 2 year old can count:-) Well, I have to give you #7, but you say 5,6, (I say 7) you say 8,9,10! It just came out of nowhere, I didn't teach it to you. I think you either learned it from your cousin Matthew, or from tv (gasp, I let you watch tv, big no no). Today when you were watching tv, a character was learning how to count and another character was teaching him, well you were trying to help teach him too, it was so cute. Then when the character finally got it right, you clapped for him!

March 04, 2009

Some More Muddy Tires

How long has it been since the muddy tires incident? About a month now, but you're STILL talking about it. If you're playing by yourself with your toys, I hear "stuck, nu-e tars" (stuck muddy tires). If we're driving in the car, I hear "stuck nu-e tars". If you see a train that's not moving, you say "Choo! Choo!" and you guessed it, "stuck nu-e tars". When you meet someone new, it's not Hi, how are you, it's "stuck nu-e tars", we get some pretty strange looks from people:-)