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I'm the proud Mother of a 4-year-old, wild, fun and amazing little boy!

May 31, 2009

Uncle Dalton and Uncle Hunter

You love to visit your Nana, Paw Paw, and 2 Uncles, Dalton and Hunter. Until yesterday, I had never heard you say Dalton. Almost every day we have to go through the routine of you saying, "where's Na Na, where's Paw Paw and where's Hunner" (Hunter). Sometimes, "where's Cylas" (one of your cousins). For a while you called Dalton and Hunter both "Hunner" (Hunter), I guess b/c you couldn't say Dalton. Well, Dalton stayed the night at our house last night and you've been calling him "Dun Dun". It's so cute, I've even started calling him that sometimes too!

May 24, 2009

Conversations with a 2 Year-Old

Chase-"Moe Pite?" (More Sprite?) before I can say no, you say "Des! (Yes!)" as you are saying this your eyes are wide open and you are excitedly nodding your head yes.

Moma-"No, you can have juice or milk."

Chase-"Pite!" (Sprite!) as you say this, you are jumping up and down stomping your feet.

Moma-"Juice or Milk?"

Chase-"Pite Peeeeeez" (Sprite Please) now you're making a puppy dog face.


about a minute goes by

Chase-"Chase Juice"

Moma-"Do you want Juice?"

Chase-"Des" (Yes) eyes wide open nodding your head excitedly.

So, I go to the fridge and get you some juice.

Chase-"Tanks" (Thanks)

Moma-"You're Welcome"

Chase-"Tank Ew Moma" (Thank you Moma)

Moma-"You're Welcome Chase"

It's All Worth It!

May 22, 2009


YAY! You can say yellow! You've known most of your colors for a few months now. But you never would say yellow, b/c you thought you couldn't say it, you always called it boo (blue). I new you could say it, b/c you can say jejo (jello). Anyway, today we went to Lowe's to look at some stuff and you were VERY GOOD! That's a rarity these days. I told you b/c you were good, you could pick out a toy at the grocery store. Well you picked out a pack of 3 big trucks for $1. I asked you to tell me what color they were, and you said re (red), boo (blue) an yeyo (yellow)! I almost teared up there in Warehouse Grocery. I have been trying and trying for months to get you to say that word! I'm so proud of you for being so smart and saying so many things. You know your colors and you're only two! That's a BIG deal!

May 19, 2009


Lately, everytime you do something that you know is wrong, you go CHAAAAAAASE! I guess that I've said that one too many times. I always know I better go check on you if I hear that.

May 12, 2009

That Bunny!

The Easter Bunny must have really made an impression on you, b/c you are still talking about it a month later. A few days ago, when we pulled into the shopping center where we saw the Easter Bunny at Easter, you looked around and said, "where dat bunny doe?" (where did that bunny go?). Then tonight you said "I steered" (I'm scared). You've been saying this alot lately, I think just to get attention. Well I said "why are you scared" and your reply was "da bunny"! There is not a bunny anywhere around, so I don't know why you're saying you're scared of it.

Green Light! Go!

We heard your newest phrase tonight while driving down the road. First I want to say that we've been working on your colors and I think you are doing really good! You know most of your colors, even though you try to call everything blue to begin with, but with some prompting you usually name the correct color. Yellow is hard for you to say, so you always call it blue, but I know you know the difference, b/c when I ask you to point to something yellow, you always get it right. Pretty good for a 2 year-old if I must say so myself. Anyway, tonight we were driving down the road and went under a traffic light and you said "gween light, doe" (green light, go). My only guess is that you learned it on Caillou, your favorite show!

May 11, 2009

What's Up Dog?

Here's another phrase that you learned from Daddy. Today when he woke up and saw you, he said "Hey Chase!" and you said "up dawg" (what's up dog). Daddy's been saying that to you alot lately and it looks like you've finally caught on. What is happening to my sweet, little, innocent, baby boy?????