About Me

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I'm the proud Mother of a 4-year-old, wild, fun and amazing little boy!

May 16, 2010

Ni Hao Kai-lan!

You speak Chinese!

One of your new favorite shows is Ni Hao Kai-lan (Ni Hao means hello in Chinese and Kai-lan is the main character's name). The other day, we were at the bookstore and you were looking at a book and you kept pointing and saying, "Komo! Komo!" I looked down and sure enough, there was a picture of a dinosaur (komo means dinosaur in Chinese)!

May 07, 2010

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Your teacher asked you if you were going to be a Police Officer when you grew up, you said, "no, it too dangerous". Instead you told her you were going to be Batman and get the bad guys! Another kid in your class told you there were bad guys at his house and you told him, "it ok, I be Batman and come to you house and get the bad guys for you". Such the imagination!

May 06, 2010

My Mother's Day Gift

As Mother's Day approached, I was trying to find out what Daddy was getting me, so I asked you what you were getting me for Mother's Day. You told me, "a small baby two wheeler" (you were talking about the battery operated, ride on four wheelers for kids smaller than you). I said, "really, for me?" You told me, "no Moma for you small babies at work". How much sweeter can you get!