About Me

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I'm the proud Mother of a 4-year-old, wild, fun and amazing little boy!

November 28, 2009

Christmas Tree!

Last night I was putting up the Christmas tree in our livingroom and you fell asleep while I was doing it. You must have forgotten about it, b/c the next morning when you got up, you went in the livingroom and ran back to the bathroom, where I was and was all amazed and bright eyed and said "Moma, deres a bi Kissmiss tree in dere!" (Moma, there's a big Christmas tree in there). I love the excitement in your voice and on your face when you discover new things! I can just imagine what it's going to be like the morning Santa leaves you presents under that "Kissmiss Tree"!

November 14, 2009


For some reason, me and your Dad can't figure out, you have an obssession with "se-win dollars" (seven dollars). It started while we were in Disney World. I guess we told you something was $7 and it just stuck with you. Now, anytime we ask you how much something costs, you say "se-win dollars". You are forever telling me that you like this truck or that truck that we see in the parking lot. Now you say, "see dat truck, it se-win dollars, I have it?" (see that truck , it's $7, can I have it?) Never a dull moment with you buddy!

November 09, 2009

"My Girlfriend"

Lately you've been coming home from school talking about your "gurlpend" (girlfriend). When we went up to your school for a Harvest Carnival, you kept pointing at girls saying, "dats my gurlpend". Then last night when we went to Burger King, you saw a group of girls come in that were about Jr. High age and they were wearing uniforms, like volley ball uniforms or something. Well, you pointed to the group of girls and said "dats my gurlpend". Then when they sat down, they started smiling at you and you started smiling back and hiding your face and you had to show them all the stuff on the table, "my chicken, my apple, my piet (Sprite), my toy, etc". It was so cute to see you flirting with them. I guess I'm in for it when you get older!

November 04, 2009

Apple Spider!

Last night we bought some apple cider at Wal-Mart and of course you started in with your usual, "What dat?" I told you apple cider and you said, "oh, apple spider". I can't get you to say it right, you're still calling it "apple spider". So CUTE!